5 top reasons to make a Scottish Power of Attorney

5 top reasons to make a Scottish Power of Attorney (PoA).   1. To ensure that you are protected. Not making one means that if you have a stroke or dementia then you are in the similar position as those who are uninsured. You cannot obtain insurance after the event [...]

By |2019-12-13T10:19:29+00:00March 2nd, 2019|Scottish Law, Scottish Powers of Attorney|

Why Scotland does not need to “overhaul archaic divorce laws”.

You may have seen headlines, recently, talking about this but, if you live in Scotland, they do not apply to you. Judges, In Scotland, do not look at your behaviour and have not done so for a considerable time.. Once you have a separation agreement, behaviour is not an issue [...]

By |2019-12-13T10:26:13+00:00September 16th, 2018|Scottish Divorce, Scottish Law|

Why a Power of Attorney is a family’s gift of love

What motivates people to make a Power of Attorney? Seeing many clients in this situation, as I do, raises that question. My opinion is that, mostly, deep down, it is love. That love is, often, hidden by my clients which is not surprising since this is a difficult and emotional [...]

By |2019-12-13T10:49:00+00:00December 25th, 2017|Scottish Law, Scottish Powers of Attorney|

Dementia and Alzheimer’s. What happens when it’s too late for a Power of Attorney in Scotland?

If someone loses mental capacity before they have a Power of Attorney in place, who can manage their finances and welfare? Arranging a Power of Attorney early can save money and avoid problems in later life. Nobody wants to consider what would happen if they or a family member lost [...]

By |2019-12-13T10:49:24+00:00November 19th, 2017|Scottish Law, Scottish Powers of Attorney|

Dementia and Powers of Attorney in Scotland

  Dementia comes in all shapes and sizes and can vary from time to time but there is a touchstone so far as Powers of Attorney (PoA) are concerned. A diagnosis of dementia does not infer that capacity to make a PoA has been lost. When told that someone has [...]

By |2019-12-13T10:50:20+00:00September 3rd, 2017|Scottish Law, Scottish Powers of Attorney|

Making a Will by text message in Scotland?

Texting a Will whilst having your coffee and biscuits. The suggestion is that you could, in the future, make a will by texting, voicemail and email. It is, just now, England only but, to my mind, not a great idea. I am all for easing Will-making - after all [...]

By |2019-12-13T10:54:35+00:00July 16th, 2017|Scottish Law, Scottish Wills|

Lesson for Scots from legal fight over Will

                  Heather Illot - Picture PA Will dispute fought out in Supreme Court I think this story is quite tragic as it deals with a very sad family rift but there is a clear lesson involved. If you want your wishes followed after [...]