Heather Illot – Picture PA

Will dispute fought out in Supreme Court

I think this story is quite tragic as it deals with a very sad family rift but there is a clear lesson involved.

If you want your wishes followed after your death, you must make a Will.

The story is about English law and Scots Law would have dealt with it differently but the essential fact is that the daughter, in this case, felt that she was entitled to a significant share in her mother’s wealth. Had her mother not made a Will, she would have got it a lot more than the court awarded.

So the moral of the story is, if you are the parent make a Will or what you want may not happen and, if you are the child, don’t fall out with your Mum and Dad!

One very easy, private and inexpensive way to make your Will in Scotland is at MyScottishWill

Bruce de Wert